Traditional men's pyjamas  from Somax of Northern Ireland are popular with our customers for their quality, comfort, easy care, and style. A selection of brushed cotton flannelette pyjamas in stripes, brushed cotton patterned pyjamaspolyester and cotton pyjamas in plain colours are available to buy in our online shop. Click on the links or on the boxes below to see details. Call us on 07731 926832 if you'd like a chat about these products.


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Traditional Somax flannelette nightshirtTraditional Somax flannelette nightshirt
Traditional Somax flannelette nightshirt
100% cotton flannelette men's striped nightshirt from Somax
Somax brushed cotton pyjamasSomax brushed cotton pyjamas
Somax brushed cotton pyjamas
Somax brushed cotton patterned elasticated waist pyjamas

Somax pyjamas in cotton flanneletteSomax pyjamas in cotton flannelette
Somax pyjamas in cotton flannelette
100% brushed cotton flannelette men's pyjamas with drawstring waist by Somax
Somax pyjamas in polyester and cottonSomax pyjamas in polyester and cotton
Somax pyjamas in polyester and cotton
Polyester and cotton men's pyjamas in plain colours by Somax